Be a part of research that shapes the city.
Do you have an RVA View? Of course you do.
All of us Richmonders do, and we want to hear them. RVA Views is a collective of people who sign up to participate in surveys and interviews about their opinions and experiences in the city. Our research is used to inform decisions in community services, entertainment, business, healthcare, education and more—the things that make Richmond what it is.
We started in 2018 as a collaboration between VCU’s School of Business and Customer Experience Lab. Our connections to VCU and the greater Richmond community allow us to maximize the real-world impact of our research.
Some see a city steeped in history, with cobblestone streets and early American architecture. You may see a vibrant food, art and social scene. Others see a diverse population with an indomitable spirit of hospitality. More than anything, as everyone who has lived, worked or played here knows, there are boundless Richmond experiences and unique views to share.
Frequently Asked Questions
Share your perspectives and see what others have to say as we help shape our community in meaningful ways. Hear and be heard.
Members of RVA Views are invited from time to time to participate in studies that may offer compensation. There is no cost, and you will receive a gift—a pair of virtual reality goggles—just for signing up.
RVA Views has a transparent privacy policy. Your personal information will never be sold, your opinions will remain anonymous and participation will always be voluntary. You can choose to delete your membership information at any time.
- Fill out this short registration survey and receive a welcome gift in the mail.
- Your survey answers will be stored securely.
- RVA Views will contact you when opportunities to participate become available.