Complete courses and topical videos by VCU faculty to bring your study of economics to life!
Econ 210: Principles of Microeconomics
Videos by: Dr. Edward Millner
1. Basic Concepts
2. Market System
3. Wealth of Nations
4. Production Possibilities
5. Gains from Trade
6. Supply & Demand
7. Price Controls
8. Price Elasticity
9. Market Structures
10. Perfect Competition
Econ 211: Principles of Macroeconomics
Videos by: Dr. Carol Scotese
1. Intro to Macroeconomics
2. Macroeconomic Data
3. Production & Productivity
4. Saving, Investment & the Financial System
5. Intro to Economic Fluctuations
6. Intro to Economic Policy
7. Aggregate Demand
8. Aggregate Supply & Equilibrium
9. Economic Fluctuations: Aggregate Supply & Demand
10. Monetary Policy
11. Fiscal Policy
12. Stabilization Policy, Inflation & Unemployment
Econ 302: Macroeconomic Theory
Videos by: Dr. Chris Herrington
1. Introduction to the Aggregate Economy
2. Consumer Behavior
3. Firm Behavior
4. Competitive Equilibrium in a Static Model
5. Consumer Decisions in a Dynamic Model
6. Equilibrium in a Dynamic Model
7. Setup for a Real Intertemporal Model with Investment
8. Equilibrium in a Real Intertemporal Model with Investment
9. Solow Growth Model
10. Endogenous Growth Model with Human Capital
Econ 333: Behavioral Economics
Videos by: Dr. John Lightle
1. Introduction to Behavioral Economics
2. Behavioral Choice Anomalies
3. Heuristics and Biases
4. Consumer Choice
5. Prospect Theory
6. Pro-Social Behavior
7. Behavior Game Theory
8. Other Behavioral Topics