Alumni Resources
A message from interim Dean Brian Brown
Dear School of Business Alumni,
I am thrilled to write to you all from the School of Business, a place where your professional journey began. Also, please join me in extending a warm welcome to the December 2024 graduates as the newest members of our distinguished alumni community. As a faculty member, and now the interim dean of the VCU School of Business, I have had the privilege of witnessing your remarkable journey, powered by dedication, perseverance and academic excellence. Your graduation is not only a testament to your hard work, but also a gateway to new beginnings and extraordinary opportunities.
Alumni Network
As a graduate of the VCU School of Business, you’re part of a network that's 30,000 strong. Our alumni are out there making an impact — globally, nationally and right here at home in Richmond. From corporate executives to startup entrepreneurs, they’re setting trends and shaping the future of business.
Connect with our Alumni Engagement Office and our Business Alumni Society to learn how you can get involved and give back. We're here to help you grow your network, enhance your career, share your expertise and celebrate your success.
All alumni with a degree or postgraduate certificate from the VCU School of Business (including RPI) automatically become members of this organization. For more information, contact busbas@vcu.edu or Abby Stanzione at stanzionea@vcu.edu
This organization is open to accounting alumni and anyone working or interested in the accounting field. Activities include networking events with current students and other alumni. Contact Abby Stanzione at stanzionea@vcu.edu to learn more.
AREA is comprised of more than 600 alumni and friends of the Kornblau Real Estate Program. Opportunities include professional development, networking and a student mentoring program. For more information, contact (804) 828-1721 or realestate@vcu.edu.
ISAA connects VCU Information Systems alumni with opportunities for networking, professional development and community building. Call us at (804) 828-1595 or visit our Facebook page to learn more.
Get Involved
Support VCU by connecting with current students and helping them with their professional development. Through mentorship, you’ll meet talented VCU School of Business students, share your professional knowledge and positively impact future change-agents and leaders.
Any professional can participate in these programs. Learn more here or contact the Office of Student Engagement at ose@vcu.edu for more information.
I love that we are an urban university integrated into the fabric of Richmond. I am very proud to be an alumnus of this great institution.
Eric P. Whittleton
B.S '84 Cert. '86/INFO