The Controllers Executive RoundTable enhances the professional development of controllers of major private and public companies. This regional network of highly motivated professionals offers engaging and relevant quarterly forums and provides opportunities to connect with peers, network with member companies and learn critical and emerging information.


CERT membership is by invitation only and is limited to controllers and equivalent professionals of major companies with significant operations in Virginia. The annual fee is $2,400. Members enjoy access to VCU School of Business resources, including access to the VCU libraries and databases, assistance in identifying articles and other references of interest, and priority treatment in identification of outstanding prospective graduates, interns and part-time employees.

Each quarterly meeting is facilitated by an industry expert, with time built in for group discussion. Members can bring up to two guests and are eligible to receive four hours of continuing professional education credit per meeting.


Steve D'Ambrosia

Altria Group, Inc. 

Scott Bleicher

Universal Corporation

W. Thomas Didlake, Jr.

Southern States Cooperative, Inc.

John F. Jimison

Carpenter Company

Timothy J. Mulvaney

Lumber Liquidations, Inc.

Gary Ometer

Virginia Foundation for Public Media

Ashleigh McDermott

ARKO Corp.


CERT members have endowed two scholarships that are awarded to two outstanding accounting majors each year. 

2022 - 2023 Scholarship Recipients

Carla Quinteros

Accounting, 2023

The CERT scholarship has helped me continue my college career and, in doing so, connected me to many wonderful professionals and opportunities at VCU. I'm not only pursuing my degree, I am learning more about what it means to be a well-rounded accounting student and future professional. Because of this scholarship, I am getting closer to my goal of being the first person in my family to obtain a college degree.

*This is Carla's second year being awarded the CERT scholarship.

Jeffrey Kum

Accounting, 2023

The CERT scholarship has been a huge source of help for me in completing my degree in accounting and information systems. The scholarship not only gave me financial assistance to help with tuition fees, but it also provided me with the opportunity to network with professionals in my field and have access to valuable resources and mentorship. I was able to focus more on my academics, pursue internships, and get practical experience thanks to the CERT scholarship, which ultimately led to the successful completion of my degree programs and a full-time job. The scholarship has been invaluable in my academic and professional development, and I am appreciative of the assistance it has offered.


Fengchun Tang

In 2011, the Controllers Executive Roundtable Steering Committee generously established the Controllers Executive Roundtable Professor of Accounting Fund, which provides an annual stipend to support the scholarly activities of the named recipient. The inaugural recipient, Dr. Rasoul Tondkar, was instrumental in the foundation and organization of the Controllers Roundtable in the late 1990s. From its inception until his retirement in 2017, Dr. Tondkar actively and continuously supported the Controllers Roundtable. Following Dr. Tondkar's retirement, Dr. Fengchun Tang became the second VCU professor to receive the honor of being named the Controllers Executive Roundtable Professor of Accounting.

Fengchun Tang is an associate professor of accounting at Virginia Commonwealth University, where he teaches Accounting Information Systems. He obtained a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Washington State University in 2012. His primary research interests include judgment and decision-making in accounting and information systems. His research has been accepted for publication in many journals, including Behavioral Research in Accounting, Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, and Behavior & Information Technology.

I want to extend my sincere gratitude for CERT’s financial support. CERT’s generous support has had a major impact on my research. It encourages my continued commitment to high-quality research and greatly helps me advance my research agenda.